Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Idle hands.

My strengths-quest assessment told me I'm introspective to the point that I become discontent with my life after compiling a mental list of ideas about what my life could be if I applied myself. Seeing as I don't party or mingle with too many people around here, that was probably the weirdest college experience thus far.

I like this class. At least now I know for sure that these are strengths and not weaknesses. I'm pretty sure what I want to major in now.

I like not having to work, but at the same time, I can't help but feel like I should have my own business. I'll think and pray more on this, but in the meantime, VA allowance and grants that I'll never have to pay back are keeping everything frosty. Speaking of frosty, snow is coming soon. I'll be happy the first day, for sure. But I'll probably get depressed thinking about dad as the first week progresses. Regardless, the cold sucks.

I'm getting bored, and it sucks. I took Hawaii and the social scene's constantly active agenda for granted. That was an island, and more goes on there than this town. I'm sick of having to drop thirty dollars to the cities to do anything worth taking a picture of. This makes me feel like moving to Indianapolis again. Second semester, perhaps. At least I'd be closer to her.

Family Video rental = the cat's knees. This place might as well be my girlfriend right now. So many great movies I never knew existed.

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