Monday, July 19, 2010

Patience is a virtue.

Has it really taken me years to realize that the only catch is better than every chase? All the stupid attempts at clearing my head and filling a void with the idea of some pretty face - one I could never love as much as they'd love me - its catching up to me and leaving with all I deserve. Too anxious to find her, too anxious to live life too fast. Be what I fabricated in my mind as 'happy' all too soon. This has kept me sleepless too many nights.

The concept of waiting is far too important for us to discard as we continue to look for someone who doesn't want to be found yet. And that is where every social problem we face comes from. Impatience.

I can't even recall the last time I was honestly and sincerely happy with someone, who I benefited from emotionally. Someone who made me excited to see them, and not the pretty face.

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